Starting a Blog? Know the 5 Fundamental Keys to Success


Thinking about starting a blog? Though you can create a WordPress blog for free there are some fundamentals you need to keep in mind. It starts by setting up short and long-term goals and working hard to achieve them.

Blogging is not limited to just choosing a domain name, a hosting option, and posting anything that comes to your mind. It’s more of an ongoing process rather than just creating a blog.

But, what it takes for blogging? What are those fundamental keys to success?

Blogging is often considered as a source of making money online, which is right to some extent. To some extent here means that money is not in the blogging, it is more like how you make bucks from it. So, there’s a lot to learn before you start a blog. Let’s get started with the 5 main fundamentals:

  1. Goals Bring Success – Great goals lead to great results and if you don’t care about it, you may not be able to take the best advantage of blogging. Have both short term and long term goals as it will give you a direction or lead the way to success. However, don’t get discouraged in case you failed to achieve a goal.
  • Content Is King – This is absolutely true that quality content is the key to success. This point has no substitute because the valuable content is one that changes the life of the readers. Content is superior to any marketing tactic and a valuable one does not require any kind of promotion.
  • Design Matters – Having a great design is as important as having a great content. Try to choose a user-friendly design that makes your content presentable. You can either choose from a lot of premium theme or take the help of a designer. A custom theme as per the type of your content can help derive more audience.
  • Monetization – To make money, you need to build a trust among the global audience. Trust can only be build by providing great content and engaging more and more people via distribution channels. It could be your blog itself, the email list or the newsletter. So, create a valuable blog, attract and engage visitors and monetize by ads, e-book, etc.
  • Maintain – Creating a very good blog and writing two or three great posts in one year is not going to help. Be consistent with your quality blog posts or we can say that maintain your blog on regular basis. Start producing strategic content on a daily basis that helps people. Persistence will help you get what you want.

In a nutshell, blogging is like a mountain that you need to climb slowly and steadily. There will be falls but you will have to get up and keep going. During the starting phase, you may feel a little bit exhausted but after crossing a few curves, you will start enjoying the journey.

So don’t just become a blogger because everyone else is doing so, have a unique vision and be meaningful…